
LPG Availability - Interactive Map


When you click THIS LINK you will be taken to a new window/web page showing a map of the UK.

It looks like the whole country is suffering from an advanced case of Chicken Pox, but each 'spot' represents the location of a specific garage that sells LPG on a pump.

Zoom into a particular area and the scale changes to give more detail and better discrimination between the spots. You will also see that the cost per ltr is also stated.

If you click a specific 'spot' you will get details on the RHS of the screen of the contact details of the garage and confirmation of the price.

Please note, I do not run that website, I do not claim any knowledge of accuracy of the location details, prices or availability at any one day.

So before travelling any distance to te garage amybe a phone call to them will be of benefit to you.